Plot is placed just uphill of Woodpecker trail which runs parallel to Buffalo Creek rd. just below. Edge of the plot runs along the nose of the hill which is cut into by a hollow to the east. A cabin sits at the mouth of the hollow where the road runs perpendicular. This small floodplain may be where the Guyondotte beauty was found by Dean.;Plot is on steep, fairly dry midslope with undulating contours to the west of the hills nose. Overstory dominated by sugar maple, beech, red oak and ash. Small S2 beech in the understory over herb layer of scattered tree saplings and christmas fern and Carex laxiflora.
Plot was placed to capture site of previously mapped Synandra hispida population. The point may be above the population. This site is steeper and drier than the site described by Dean Walton in 1997.